DSUIA Applicants for Higher Education – Winners and Awarded Participants of the MIA Scientific Works Contest


Applicants for the first (Bachelor) degree from higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine have publicly defended their scientific papers in terms of the scientific works contest. The number of works submitted by applicants for higher education to the contest amounted at 96, while 47 papers had been selected for public defense under the review results.

Larysa Nalyvaiko, Vice-Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, PhD, professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, was one of the organizational committee members, who evaluated the participants’ presentations.

Under the results of public defense the following applicants for higher education from Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs have successfully confirmed their victory:

– Anastasiia Mukhai, the 3rd year student of the Law Faculty, has obtained the I degree Diploma in “Constitutional and International Law” nomination (scientific paper “Provision of the Children’s Constitutional Right to Rights and Freedoms Protection: National and International Practice”; scientific mentor –
Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA Vice-Rector);

– Violetta Rets, the 4th year cadet of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies, has won in “Criminal Process, Criminalistics and Forensic Expertise” nomination (scientific paper “Investigation of Incitement to Suicide Through Internet Technologies”; scientific mentor – Nataliia Pavlova, associate professor of Criminalistics and Pre-Medical Assistance Department);

– Alina Nemesh, the 2nd year cadet of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies, has obtained the II degree Diploma in “Administrative and Law Sciences” nomination (scientific paper “Regulatory Grounds for Using Social Networks by the National Police Units and Police Officers in Ukraine”; scientific mentor – Hanna Blinova, professor of Administrative Law, Process and Administrative Activity Department);

– Uliana Shemet, the 3rd year student of the Law Faculty, has obtained the II degree Diploma in “State Defense and Security Sciences” nomination (scientific paper “Constitutional Human and Citizen Rights and Freedoms and National Security: Balance and Implementation Practice”; scientific mentor –
Larysa Nalyvaiko, professor);

– Diana Naidion, the 2nd year cadet of the Criminal Police Faculty, has obtained the II degree Diploma in “Tactical-Special and Service-Combat Training” nomination (scientific paper «Tactical Medicine in Police Training”; scientific mentor – Oksana Myslyva, associate professor of Tactical and Special Training Department);

– Mariia Zemlianko, the 4th year student of the Law Faculty, has obtained the III degree Diploma in “State and Law Theory and History, Political and Law Studies History, Philosophy of Law” nomination (scientific paper “Teenage Bulling: Theoretical and Applied Aspect”; scientific mentor – Larysa Nalyvaiko, Vice-Rector);

– Myroslava Salnykova, the 4th year cadet of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies, has obtained the III degree Diploma in “Criminal Law and Criminology” nomination (scientific paper “Domestic Violence against Children”; scientific mentor – Vasyl Berezniak, senior lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminology Department);

– Diana Khovanova, the 4th year cadet of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Strategic Investigation Bodies, has obtained the III degree Diploma in «Operative Search Activity and Special Equipment” nomination (scientific paper “Combatting Crime Committed by Ethnic-Based Organized Groups and Criminal Organizations”; scientific mentor – Dmytro Sanakoiev, head of Financial and Strategic Investigations Department).

We congratulate the contest participants on their victory and wish them new achievements in educational and scientific activity!


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