Spelling Test by Oleksandr Avramenko, Ukrainian Language Guru, in Dnipro


Day of Constitution celebration combined with language command test: Dnipro saw a large-scale event “Spelling Test Devoted to the Day of Constitution in the Open Air”. Oleksandr Avramenko, a famous linguist, was the main speaker. Nearly 1000 Dnipro citizens joined the test, including cadets and students from Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

The event was held at Taras Shevchenko square organized by the representatives of Dnipro Youth Council.

Oleksandr Avramenko chose a text about the Principle Law of Ukraine.

Alla Podvorchan, senior lecturer of the Ukrainian Linguistics and Foreign Languages Department, claimed:
“Uniting youngsters at such events units Ukrainian nation and leads us to peace, security and prosperity of Ukraine”.

Oryna Kovinenko, Law Faculty student, shared her impressions as well. The girl noticed that even heat did not interfere youth to join the spelling test to check their literacy and national language command.

“Oleksandr Avramenko inspired us all to learn Ukrainian, since he is really concerned about youth literacy. In general, as for me Ukrainian language is always a trend, thus we must appreciate it”, the student commented.

At the end of the test everyone obtained the Certificate of Participation. Soon the results of checking written works will tell us, who are those 3 persons with the best command in Ukrainian. They will receive wonderful gifts – traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirts vyshyvanka.


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