III International Scientific and Practical Conference «International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects»


III International Scientific and Practical Conference «International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects»

On March 15, 2019, the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects” was held at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, dedicated to the 53rd anniversary of the University.

III International Scientific and Practical Conference «International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects»

The conference was attended by scientists, practitioners, representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine, observers of the SMM OSCE specialists from higher educational institutions from Slovakia, Czech Republic and Georgia, representatives of state authorities and non-governmental organizations.

III International Scientific and Practical Conference «International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects»

III International Scientific and Practical Conference «International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects»

Among the key areas of the work of the international conference there were the legal security of the state as an independent component of ensuring the national security of Ukraine, dilemmas and problems of national security, theoretical aspects in the system of police sciences. The issues of combating organized crime as an integral part of ensuring national security, legal aspects of international collective security, including the interaction between Ukraine and NATO, the effectiveness and prospects of development and further cooperation in the field of national and international security, were discussed.

During the conference there was a panel discussion on the concept of the Scandinavian model and its implementation in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine. The Advisor to the Public Order of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine Magne Hvam presented the best European practice of protecting public order providing Scandinavian pattern as an example, talked about the concept of a police dialogue that was introduced in Sweden. The essence of the concept is to prevent provocations during mass events.

The main purpose of the concept of police dialogue is to establish cooperation and trust by explaining the current legislation to the citizens, their rights and responsibilities, as well as the possible consequences of the offenses.

III International Scientific and Practical Conference «International and National Security: Theoretical and Applied Aspects»

Within the framework of the conference, the representatives of the Faculty of Law and International Relations of Georgian Technical University met with the students and research staff of the Faculty of Law, DSUIA. Giorgi Svianadze and Koba Chikhladze talked about the system of studying at Georgian Technical University, how the educational process and educational programs were structured, as well as the possibility of involving students in scientific work. The issue of further scientific cooperation between the faculties of educational institutions was discussed.

The result of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference was the adoption of a draft Resolution on proposals to the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of Counteracting Crime”.