Unity Day Celebration


More than 400 cadets and students of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs participated in the large-scale patriotic flashmob devoted to the Unity Day of Ukraine.

The spectacular event included 3 stages. At first, cadets formed a live inscription “Honour to Ukraine! Honour to Heroes!” by means of flashlights.

Afterwards, future police officers created a figure of Ukraine patterned with flashlights.

Finally, guys and girls unfolded a white canvas, which created a background for demonstration of the patriotic video recorded by the university youth.

According to Volodymyr Kovbasa, rector’s assistant, DSUIA decided to celebrate this significant holiday through the patriotic flashmob.

“Our cadets as future law enforcements strive for the future, independence and unity of Ukraine. They understand that such events really unite. Regarding state holidays, cadets show a really creative approach to organizing different events and implementing initiatives”, Volodymyr Kovbasa emphasized.

“The idea of this flashmob is very powerful and interesting. We were so inspired that implemented everything planned despite the weather. Our hearts are warm inside, since we respect the history of our country!” Vladyslava Frolova, cadet of the Educational-and-Scientific Institute of Law and Training Specialists for the National Police Units, commented.

“I feel pride, since so many initiative and active people gathered together. I am happy to be a participant of this event”, Vadym Bolharenko, cadet of the same Institute, told.


Public Relations Department